Sunday 25 March 2012

31 Weeks... and counting

He's a head of lettuce or 4 navel oranges - depending on what app I use.  Either way, he's getting big and he's moving like crazy (clear taking after his dad)!  My FAVE is when I can watch my belly move.  Its so freaky! 

Still feeling good, still SUPER emotional; its getting harder to sleep, bend over, tie shoes etc and I'm very winded lately.   Not just when I climb stairs or walk fast - like when I stir dinner, I'm out of breath.  Awesome.  I was never really super inconvenienced about peeing all the time until recently.  Sometimes he sits or stands or lays or kicks or punches or does something to my bladder and I have to go 24/7.  Those are fun times. 

I'm getting a little nervous for his arrival for my little doggies.  Maggie our little one follows me around ALL the time and I carry her around the house curled up in one arm.  She loves it, and I melt all over her.  Poor wee thing is in for a little bit of a shock I think - and of course that makes me cry.  And Jimi laugh.  And then there's my baby Emma, who's going to play and cuddle her all night long? Ugh!

Here is Emma and I... look at her widdle face! 

and look at my Mags.  How sweet is she??

 As you know we got our 3D ultrasound done last week.  It was.... fun, and well, maybe a little creepy.  Especially when our super awesome technician commented on how big his lips were - and it turned out not to be his ENORMOUS misshaped lips at all but his hand holding the umbilical cord.  We both nearly had a heart attack. As I said, its a little creepy but here he is... (its from the side cause he wouldn't roll over - stubborn). 

 We had some pregnant pics done today!  Jimi bought me a session as a geeft.  It was awesome.  I haven't seen any proofs yet and reeeeeeaaaaaally hope I don't look like a house.  Jimi saw a couple and said they're good - but I'll be the judge of that.  We get them next week. 

I'm counting down till I come home and see everyone!  One week + 4 days!  Yippie!!! 

I see my Dr tomorrow, if anything new comes up, I'll let you know.  See you soon!!!


Saturday 3 March 2012

27.75 weeks

He's the size of a cauliflower (almost a rutabaga) and almost 2.5 pounds!  Wow.  Still feeling good, lots of kicks and movement and of course I'm getting bigger and more emotional every day! I'm not sure if you guys have seen the video Jimi posted on Facebook of my breakdown from America's Funnies Videos?  But that's what its like some days.  It can start with a funny video (apparently) or a sappy commercial or the worst are dog rescue videos.  I watched one at work and two coworkers thought someone had died.  I couldn't actually speak to tell them that I had just wanted a clip of a rescue on The Today Show online!  Its crazy.  Jimi used to act concerned, now he laughs - ha, as do I when I finally pull it back together.  As for my size, here I am...
 As I type this Maggie is sitting on my boobs.  Like while I sit and type.  She thinks its a new chair.  Awesome.  Its a little hard to see, but super cute :) 

I also got my Anchorman quote onesies in!  Best. thing. ever.  This little guy is going to be the funniest dresser little dresser, I love it!  Milk was a Bad Choice - come on, hilarious!!

I went to Babies R Us today to start a registry.  Wow, that was confusing and stressful.  How do you know what you need???  What brand is best?  Whats useful and whats a waste?  I'm sending the whole thing to Browne and Mel for their input.  I had NO idea.  A registry gun is always fun though.  So if you have any advise about what I should get please please please let me know cause I am LOST!

I'm at home right now watching PVRed eps of A Baby Story and Baby's First Day, and of course I'm crying.  haha.  What a trip! 

Anyway I'll post some pics of the nursery in progress soon.  I've changed my mind yet again so need to go back to the pinterest board! 

See you guys soon - I CAN'T WAIT TO COME HOME at Easter!!!!
