Sunday 29 January 2012

23.3 weeks

Ugh, I am back in the land of the living.  I have been sick as a dog all week and haven't been able to do anything!  I miss drugs - especially my nose candy.  I must have caught something in Mexico (which was awesome BTW!) and it completely wiped me out.  I am still sick actually but compared to where I was a week ago, I'm WAY better.  I just caved and got some cough syrup so I can sleep tonight before work tomorrow.  The Pharmacist says its ok so I'm taking his word for it.  At least that's what I thought he said - his English was a little iffy. 

BUT that aside, pregnancy wise I'm still feeling great.  Still super emotional but great never the less.  Today I cried, in public, because Jimi said he didn't want the dogs on the couch while I feed the baby.  I was destroyed and bawled at brunch. Bawled. It was awesome.  This issue is not dead. 

Mexico was great.  Super relaxing - all we did was read and lay by the pool.  I think I doubled in size while we were there.  When we arrived I was worried that people would just think I spent too much time at the buffet; and by the time we left everyone was asking when I was due. 

Very attractive.

We came home to a funny, yet serious, little package from Ted and Moe.  Any guesses as to what was in it?  Yep you guessed it!

 Ahhhhhdorable!  Yes of course I cried.  Good tears of course. 

And speaking of adorable, I can't leave out my girls.  They got their first hair cut this week too :)

Tomorrow is my OBGYN apt so I will update more later.  I just wanted to check in now that I have the energy to type. 

Here is the most recent pic.  It says 24 weeks, but that's just cause I don't have a 23 week sticker.

Off to bed with my cough syrup and my Snoogle.

Sunday 8 January 2012

It's a BOY!!

Holy. Crap. And, I’m over half way there!! 

I know I’m late getting this up (as a few of you have mentioned more than a few times!) but it’s up now and yes – here is a picture.  A bump – finally! 

I’m just over 20 weeks now, half way – I can’t believe it!  I’m still feeling awesome.  Sure I’m tired and sluggish, but really, I was before so not much has changed.  I just started feeling flutters a couple of weeks ago and they are getting more and more frequent – they’re my favourite!  My least favourite so far has been the shopping.  Maternity clothes are horrible and don’t even get me started on the bra shopping.

We just had our big ultrasound on Friday and all things look good.  And yep, it’s a boy for sure.  I don’t know why but I was kinda shocked!  Don’t get me wrong, I’m thrilled, but I just didn’t know I could even make a boy.  I thought my insides were painted pink with butterflies and sparkles – who knew?!  The best part is how much money I’m already saving just by deleting all the girlie stuff I had book marked!  I think I’m up about $1000 bucks! :) 

Jimi and I are both very excited, however I can’t say the same for our fur baby girls, Emma and Maggie.  I told them they were getting a baby brother and they responded by chewing and shredding the ultrasound printouts.  They showed us.  We still have a few months to work on them, I’m sure they’ll come around.

I will keep you all updated- frequently, I promise.  My next appointment is Jan 30 – my first appointment with my OBGYN.  I hope I like her!  I hope she knows what she’s in for...

Lots of love.